
Onions From Seed To Plate: How To Grow And Harvest Them

Growing onions in the garden is not as difficult as some of you would think, you just need to know what it takes to make the process successful.

Here are some tips from experience that can help you plant and care for your beautiful bulbs until harvest.

I- Start with “Where” :

– If you are going to grow onions, make sure you choose a suitable site from the beginning.

– It is advisable that it be a site with good sun exposure.

II- Prepare The Soil :

– Place your plants in dry soil at a depth of 20-25 cm.

– Also, the soil should be cleaned of any stones or detritus.

III- Growing Onions :

– You can grow your crop with seeds, onion heads, or seedlings.

– Onion heads should be planted at a depth of 0.6 cm between October and December.

– As for the seeds, plant them at a distance of 2.5 cm of separation.

– You should plant them 1.9 cm deep and 7.6 cm apart.

IV- Fertilize The Soil :

– You can grow onions successfully by using good soil compost.

– Preferably, use about 0.91 to 1.36 kg of fertilizer per 9.3 square meters of garden.

V- Watering :

– It is important to know that the crop grown should be irrigated every 6 to 7 days, especially in spring.

– However, it should be taken into consideration that the crop may need more water in dry and stormy weather.

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Published by
Jack Newman