
Gourmet Crepes Made Simple: In Just 7 Steps

Get ready to indulge in gourmet crepes. From the delicate texture to the endless flavor possibilities, this recipe will elevate your cooking skills and impress your taste buds.

Creating gourmet crepes is an enjoyable culinary adventure that allows you to unleash your creativity and delight in exquisite flavors. Follow these 7 steps to embark on a journey of gourmet crepe making.

I-What You Will Need

The most important step in making crepes is mastering the batter, if you manage to make a good consistent batter then your recipe will be a success.

– 2 eggs

– 3/4 cup flour

– One cup of skim milk

– A pinch of salt

– A pinch of sugar

Optional: You can add a little pepper and parsley for enhanced flavor.

This batter recipe serves around eight pieces.

Gather a few pieces of ham and shredded cottage cheese, such as Parmesan or Emmental, for the filling.

II-Preparation of the Crepes

– Prepare your non-stick pan and a big bowl in which you will mix the ingredients until they are smooth and uniform.

– Grease the pan and pour a little quantity of batter over it, stirring it in a circular motion to spread it even in the pan, you can use a spatula.

– When the color turns golden-brown, flip it carefully and quickly.

– Separate each crepe and generously spread it with cheese.

– On each piece, place some ham and sprinkle cheese.

– Fold it over and season with salt and pepper.

– Bake in a pre-heated oven for a few minutes more, or until the cheese melts and the servings are heated.

Voilà! Your gourmet crepes are ready to serve.

You may also make the batter and the servings ahead of time without filling them, making the process faster.

Bonne Appetit!

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Published by
Stacey Smith