
Planting Cinnamon: Spice Up Your Garden with This Step-by-Step Guide

Are you in for a spicy adventure? Let us show you how to grow your own cinnamon and add a bit of flavor to your garden.

Growing cinnamon! What a great conversation starter. Wouldn’t wish to see your friends’ faces when you tell them that you’re growing the spice of life in your backyard? It has been used for centuries as a flavoring agent and natural medicine. What are you waiting for then? Allow us to assist you in becoming the envy of all your spice-loving friends.

I-How to Plant Cinnamon:

Let’s get right into it!

– Pick a suitable location for planting (must be both warm and humid)

– Prepare Fertile and loamy soil and make sure you add compost to it for better results

– Acquire cinnamon saplings or cuttings from another tree

– Now plant the cutting or sapling

– Time to water the plant: water it regularly and keep the soil moist

– You can add mulch that helps to retain moisture around the plant

– Don’t forget to prune it as well either in late winter or early spring

– Now all that’s left to do is to harvest the inner barks and dry them

– Note that the said plant can take up to 3–4 years to reach maturity

II-Moving to the Benefits:

Let’s move on to the potential benefits of cinnamon that will make you want it even more.

– First, it flavors dishes and enriches herbal teas

– It has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties

– It soothes stomach cramps

– It has antioxidant properties

– It strengthens the immune system

– It is rich in minerals and fiber

All these benefits, or even more, are enough to not do without it from now on, but be careful if you are allergic to it!

It can also be potentially toxic because of the Coumadin it contains, which can affect the liver and kidneys, otherwise, don’t hesitate to use it in moderation.

Published by
Jack Newman