
Upcycling Watermelon Rind: 2 Tasty Recipes

Discover the hidden potential of watermelon rind with two surprisingly delicious recipes that will change the way you see food waste.

Reusing watermelon rind in two delicious recipes is a wonderful way to minimize food waste and explore new culinary possibilities. The watermelon rind, often discarded, offers a refreshing and surprisingly versatile ingredient. These creative uses of watermelon rind not only make your meals more interesting, but also contribute to a sustainable and eco-friendly approach to cooking. Embrace these inventive ideas and elevate your culinary adventure with the often-overlooked but delicious watermelon rind!

I-Making Watermelon Rind Jam


– 4 cups of watermelon rind

– 2 cups of sugar

– 1 tablespoon of lemon zest

– ¼ cup lemon juice

– 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

– Pinch of salt

2-How to Make Rind Jam

– Start by removing the outer green skin and the remaining pink flesh, then cut the rind into small pieces of the same size.

– Soak the diced rind in water with 1 cup of water and leave it in the fridge overnight.

– The following day transfers the rind to a large cooking pot and add the remaining 1 cup of sugar, lemon zest, lemon juice, and salt.

– Let the mixture boil over medium heat while stirring it frequently to prevent sticking.

– Once the mixture reaches a boil, reduce the heat and let it simmer for about 30–40 minutes until the rind becomes tender and translucent.

– When the jam reaches the desired consistency, turn off the heat and add the vanilla extract.

– To preserve the jam for a longer period, store it in sterilized jars once it cools.

II-Salted Rind Snacks


– 4 cups of watermelon rind

– 2 tablespoons of sea salt

– 1 tablespoon of brown sugar

– 1 tablespoon of lime juice

– ½ teaspoon of chili powder

– ½ teaspoon of ground cumin

– ¼ teaspoon of ground black pepper

2-How to Make Rind Snacks

– First, you need to remove the green layer from the rind, then cut it into julienne and toss it with the salt and leave it for at least 2 hours. This step will help you to draw excess water from the rind and will infuse a hint of savory flavor into it.

– Once the soaking process is over, drain the water from the rind.

– Rinse the rind juliennes with cold water, then dry it using a clean paper towel.

– In a separate bowl mix the brown sugar, and lime juice with the rest of the spices. Whisk the ingredients well to infuse the flavors.

– Now add the watermelon rind to the seasoning mixture, and make sure to cover every piece.

– Allow the rind to chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

– Serve the rind snacks with the sauces of your choice like mayo, chili sauce…

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Published by
Stacey Smith