The Surprising Power of Toothpaste: How to Catch Mice and Rats Safely and Effectively

Are you looking for the most effective way to catch mice and rats? You don’t feel like spending money to solve this issue? We got you covered.

Mice have really terrible hygiene, and that is no news to anyone! Perhaps you would like to introduce them to a toothpaste bait! And perhaps they will even start flossing while they are stuck in the trap.

Believe it or not, toothpaste is not just for keeping your teeth clean but also can be used as the main ingredient of a deadly mousetrap

I- Ingredients :

– 2 tablespoons of toothpaste.

– One tablespoon of baking powder.
– One tablespoon of sugar.
– 2 tablespoons of flour.
– 4 tablespoons of salted and well-crushed peanuts.

II- How to use toothpaste to eliminate rats and mice ?

– In a bowl, put all these ingredients and mix them until you get a homogeneous and compact mixture, which will be bound with toothpaste.
– From this mixture, form small balls and place them at entrances and various places where rodents might pass.

III. Results :

– Rodents will be attracted to the sugar and peanuts in the mixture.
– After tasting the delicious ball, they are done for!
– Thanks to the baking soda ingredient, Rodents will be no more.

Published by
Jack Newman