
No More Dust Bunnies Thanks To These Tips

Dust bunnies are undoubtedly your arch-enemy. Unfortunately, such bunnies have nothing in common with the cute and fluffy bunnies in your yard.

And for that, we’ll show you how to kick them out of your house!

Dust build-up can affect your health and not in a good way as it causes allergic reactions from multiple dust allergens like pollen and dust mites. For that, it needs to be banished, and you happen to have strong allies that you can count on:

I- Optimize Your Vacuum Cleaner :

A vacuum cleaner usually has this little hose that is capable of reaching the smallest corners when cleaning, but from time to time it can be damaged, and this is how you can easily fix it:

– Get your vacuum cleaner

– Use a simple paper towel roll

– Remove the brush and push the roll onto the end of the hose

– Make the end of the roll flat to make a fairly thin nozzle

– Run it in all the difficult-to-clean places, under furniture, between the grills of your radiator, in the rails of your windows…etc.

II- Dusting Cloth Tips :

Like the vacuum cleaner, microfiber cloths can help you get rid of the big chunks of dirt lying around your room.

The below tips will not only help you clean your house, but will also save you time.

– First and foremost, always clean from top to bottom

– don’t only target furniture, but take the items above it and clean each of them individually

– Be regular in this task so that the dirt does not accumulate

– don’t hesitate to use white vinegar when necessary

There are many methods by which you can keep dirt away from all surfaces. Just be creative!

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Published by
Jack Newman