Eco Bird Feeder: Bottle Recycling for Birds

Learn a fun and eco-friendly way to feed your feathered friends by creating a bird feeder from a simple bottle! And watch your garden come alive with the presence of grateful birds visiting your bird feeder!

Transforming a regular bottle into a bird feeder is a rewarding and enjoyable DIY project that not only benefits the environment through recycling but also brings the beauty of nature closer to your home. By crafting a welcoming space for birds, you’ll witness a delightful symphony of chirps and colors as your feathered friends visit, creating a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere in your backyard.

I-Necessary Materials

– An empty 2-liter plastic bottle

– A thread

– Scissors

– Chopsticks

– Cup

– Pencil

– Seeds to feed the birds

II-Making the Bird Feeder

– Start by washing the plastic bottle and leaving it to dry.

– Using a pencil draw a circle in the middle of the vertical side of the bottle then cut it with the scissors creating a hole.

– Repeat the same process on the opposite vertical side of the bottle.

– Insert the chopstick from both holes and use it as a perch for the birds.

– Fill the bottle with bird feed and be ready to watch your new feathery friends as they visit your garden.

III-How to Hang the Bird Feeder

– You need to hang a bottle to a tree to be visible to birds, first you need to drill a hole into the cap and then pass a strong thread through it.

– Make sure to hang the feeder on a large tree at a height of approximately 3 meters to protect the birds from predators.

– You can hang the bird feeder horizontally between two branches, just make sure it is solid, so the plastic bottle stays in place and doesn’t swing.


– Make sure openings in the bottle are large enough for the bird to enter and exit easily without any risk of getting injured.

– If you don’t know which seeds to add to the feeder, you can go for sunflower seeds, cracked corn, and peanuts, just make sure that the seeds should be unroasted and unsalted.

– Feel free to customize the bird feeder to your taste and give it a more natural look by adding straw, and small bits of wood.

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Published by
Stacey Smith