A tidy home is a more pleasant and functional space. With this simple plan, you can declutter each area in just one week by dedicating only 15 minutes per day.
– Focus on drawers, shelves, or tables where clutter tends to accumulate.
– Sort through items, deciding what to keep, donate, or discard.
– Empty your cabinets and check for expired food.
– Reorganize utensils and remove unused appliances.
– Go through beauty products and medications.
– Discard empty bottles and expired items.
– Review your clothes and shoes, donating anything you haven’t worn in a year.
– Store seasonal clothing to free up space.
– Declutter coffee tables, shelves, and storage areas.
– Reorganize decorative items for a cleaner and more inviting space.
– Tidy up your bedside table, drawers, and closet.
– Remove anything that disrupts a calm and restful atmosphere.
– Go through bills, junk mail, and old documents.
– Digitize important papers to save space.
– Recycle unnecessary documents.
– Store essential documents in labeled folders or boxes.
– Categorize paperwork by type: administrative, personal, financial.
– Schedule regular upkeep: Dedicate 15 minutes each month to maintaining your decluttered space.
– Follow the “one in, one out” rule: Whenever you buy something new, remove an old item.
– Use storage boxes: Keep essential items neatly contained without cluttering surfaces.
By following this approach, you’ll enjoy a clean, organized home, making daily life simpler and more enjoyable!
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